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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The Companion Bible : being the Authorized Version of 1611 with the structures and notes, critical, explanatory and suggestive and with 198 ...
2Index Librorum Prohibitorum : SS.MI D. N. PII PP. XII : anno MDCCCCXL : appendix 19451945
3Bibel (englisch)
4Preaching Without Notes [Rückentitel]
5The Hundred and Fourth Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society : For the Year ending March MDCCCCVIII ; With Appendix and a List of ...1908
6Atiya, Aziz S.The Coptic Encyclopedia : Volume 8 ; Maps, Appendix, Index1991
7Black, MatthewAn Aramaic Approach to the Gospels and Acts : with an appendix on The Son of Man (3. Aufl.)1979
8Coxe, Arthur ClevelandHippolytus, Cyprian, Caius, Novatian, Appendix1990
9Engels, Friedrich u.a.Manifesto of the Communist Party : With an Appendix Engels : Principles of Communism1977
10Gibbs, Alfred P.Worship : the Christian's highest occupation ; with an appendix on 'Direct Address to the Lord Jesus' [2. Aufl.]
11Hort, Fenton John Anthony u.a.The New Testament in the Original Greek : introduction, appendix [2. Aufl.]1896
12Howard, Wilbert Francis u.a.Accidence and Word-Formation : with an appendix on Semitisms in the New Testament1929
13Jowett, WilliamChristian Researches in the Mediterranean, from MDCCCXV. to MDCCCXX in Furtherance of the Objects of the Church Missionary Society ; with ap...1822
14Kim, Myung HyukLessons from the Prayer Habits of the Church in Korea : appendix: Can revivals be prepared for by man?1994
15Mearns, JamesEarly Latin Hymnaries : an index of hymns in hymnaries before 1100 ; with an appendix from later sources1970
16Nicole, Roger R.James I. Packer's Contribution to the Doctrine of the Inerrancy of Scripture. Appendix: Select Bibliography of J. I. Packer's Writings on Sc...
17Stevenson, William B. u.a.Grammar of Palestinian Jewish Aramaic : with an appendix on the numerals1981
18Storrs, Richard Salter (1821-1...Conditions of Success in Preaching Without Notes : three lectures delivered before the students of the Union Theological Seminary, New York:...1875
19Strong, James H.The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible : with main concordance, appendix ..., topical index to the Bible, dictionary of the He...1990
20Thomas (de Aquino)Summa theologica : Tomus octavus , supplementum : LXXXII-XCIX , appendix : I-II ; De ressurectione - tabulae et lexicon1874
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