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1 - 18 von 18
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Allison, Dale C. u.a.The Gospel according to Saint Matthew : Volume 3, Introduction and Commentary on Matthew 19-28 / ICC2006
2Alter, RobertThe Hebrew Bible (Volume 3) : The Writings. Ketuvim2019
3Atiya, Aziz S.The Coptic Encyclopedia : Volume 3 ; CROS-ETHI1991
4Brown, ColinThe New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology : Volume 3: Pri-Z1978
5Calvin, JeanOpera Selecta : Volumen 3 ; Institutionis Christianae religionis 1559, libros I et II continens1928
6Delitzsch, Franz u.a.Commentary on the Old Testament : Volume 3 ; 1&2. Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemia, Esther1976
7Fahlbusch, Erwin u.a.The Encyclopedia of Christianity : Volume 3, J-O2003
8Houtman, CornelisExodus : Volume 3 ; Chapters 20 - 40 (HCOT)2000
9Manton, ThomasThe Works of Thomas Manton : volume 31993
10Na'aman, NadavAncient Israel's History and Historiography : The First Temple Period ; Collected Essays, Volume 32006
11Owens, John JosephAnalytical Key to the Old Testament : volume 3, Ezra-Song of Solomon1996
12Schaff, PhilipA Religious Encyclopaedia : or Dictionary of Biblical, Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical Theology ; Volume 31883
13Spurgeon, Charles HaddonThe New Park Street Pulpit : Sermons preached and revised during the year 1857 ; Volume 3. The New Park Street Pulpit : Sermons preached and...1981 [1857/58]
14Spurgeon, Charles HaddonThe Treasury of David : An Expository and Devotional Commentary on the Psalms ; Volume III ; Psalms 53-781977
15Tov, EmanuelTextual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, Septuagint : Collected Essays, Volume 32015
16Wesley, JohnThe Journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., in 4 Volumes : volume 3
17Wilson, Marvin R. u.a.Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical and Post-Biblical Antiquity : Volume 3 ; I-N2016
18Young, Edward JosephThe Book of Isaiah : the English text, with introd., exposition, and notes ; volume 3: Chapters 40 through 661974
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