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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Fee, Gordon D. u.a.How to Read the Bible For All Its Worth : a guide to understanding the Bible1989
2Fosdick, Harry EmersonA Guide to Understanding the Bible : the development of ideas within the Old and New Testament1938
3Gasque, Woodrow Ward u.a.Understanding the Bible Commentary Series
4Harkness, GeorgiaToward Understanding the Bible1952
5Stott, John Robert WalmsleyUnderstanding the Bible1977
6Stott, John Robert WalmsleyDie Bibel verstehen / John R. W. Stott1975
7Stott, John Robert WalmsleyUnderstanding the Bible : The Story Of The New Testament1978
8Stott, John Robert WalmsleyUnderstanding the Bible : The Story Of The Old Testament1978
9Stott, John Robert WalmsleyUnderstanding the Bible : The Bible For Today1978
10Unger, Merrill F.Unger's Bible Handbook : an essential guide to understanding the Bible1966
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