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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The Word of God in the Life of Man : sermon outlines with related studies (Advent to Trinity) [2. Aufl.]1955
2Global Solidarity in Theological Education : report of the U.S./Canadian consultation held at Trinity College, University of Toronto, Toront...1981
3U.S./Canadian Consultation on Global Solidarity in Theological Education : Toronto, July 1981 [Umschlagtitel]
4Adam, PeterThe Trinity and Human Community1998
5Anderson, M.The Trinity : an appreciation of the oneness of God with reference to the Son of God and the Holy Spirit, for Christians and Muslims1994
6Augustinus, AureliusSt. Augustin: On the Holy Trinity, doctrinal treatises and moral treatises1988
7Bennett, Dennis J. u.a.Die Trinität des Menschen1980
8D'Costa, GavinChrist, the Trinity and Religious Plurality1999
9Erickson, Millard J.Making Sense of the Trinity : 3 crucial questions2000
10Fiddes, Paul S.Church, Trinity and Covenant : an ecclesiology of participation
11Flett, John G.The Witness of Good : The Trinity, Missio Dei, Karl Barth, and the Nature of Christian Community2010
12Gumbel, NickyIst die göttliche Trinität unbiblisch, unglaubwürdig und damit irrelevant?2003
13Hoffmeier, James K. u.a.The Future of Biblical Archaeology : Reassessing Methodologies and Assumptions ; The Proceedings of a Symposium August 12-14, 2001 at Trinit...2004
14Maxwell, Thomas W.Renewal in the Fullness of the Trinity : the Charismatic promise1995
15McGrath, Alister EdgarVater, Sohn und Heiliger Geist : eine Verstehenshilfe1991
16Moltmann, JürgenThe Trinity and the Kingdom of God : The Doctrine of God1983
17Panikkar, RaimonTrinität : Über das Zentrum menschlicher Erfahrung1993
18Williamson, H. G. M.He Has Shown You What is Good : Old Testament Justice Then and Now ; The Trinity Lectures, Singapore, 20112012
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