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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Report of Commission VII : Missions and Governments ; with supplement: Presentation and discussion of the Report in the Conference on 20th J...1910
2Report of Commission VIII : Co-operation and the Promotion of Unity ; with supplement: Presentation and discussion of the Report in the Conf...1910
3World Missionary Conference, 19101910
4The World Wide Library of Sterling Gospel Books
5European Studies From the World Alliance of Reformed Churches
6Neue-Welt-Übersetzung der Heiligen Schrift : übersetzt nach der revidierten englischen Wiedergabe von 19701971
7The Unique Christ in Our Pluralistic World : WEF Manila Declaration1993
8Kulturen, Handwerk, Kunst = Art, Artisanat et Société = World Cultures, Arts and Crafts1979
9The Thailand Report on Buddhists : report of the consultation on world evangelization, mini-consultation on reaching Buddhists1980
10The Thailand Report on People of African Traditional Religions : report of the consultation on world evangelization, mini-consultation on re...1980
11From Canberra to Harare : an illustrated account of the life of the World Council of Churches 1991-19981998
12World Wide Series
13Study Papers Book I : World Congress on Evangelism, 26. Oct.-4. Nov. 19661966
14Study Papers Book II : World Congress on Evangelism, 26. Oct.-4. Nov. 19661966
15Bible Studies from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches1999-
16The Seoul Declaration : towars an Evangelical Theology for the Third World1991
17The History and Records of the Conference : together with addresses delivered at the evening meetings1910
18Report of Commission I : Carrying the Gospel to All the Non-Christian World ; with supplement: Presentation and discussion of the Report in ...1910
19Report of Commission II : the Church in the Mission Field ; with supplement: Presentation and discussion of the Report in the Conference on ...1910
20Report of Commission III : Education in Relation to the Christianisation of National Life ; with supplement: Presentation and discussion of ...1910
21Report of Commission IV : the Missionary Message in Relation to Non-Christian Religions ; with supplement: Presentation and discussion of th...1910
22Report of Commission V : the Training of Teachers ; with supplement: Presentation and discussion of the Report in the Conference on 22nd Jun...1910
23Report of Commission VI : the Homebase of Missions ; with supplement: Presentation and discussion of the Report in the Conference on 23rd Ju...1910
24Rettung aus der Weltbedrängnis steht bevor! : eine offene, auf biblischen Prophezeiungen beruhende Betrachtung der unmittelbaren Zukunft ...1975
25How to Be an Up Person in a Down World Devotional1998
26Report of the Bilateral Conversations Between the Lutheran World Federation and the Seventh-day Adventist Church2000
27Unreached Peoples : there are millions of people in the world who have never heard the Gospel1974
28World Congress on Evangelism, Kongresshalle Berlin1966
29Christian Books for the Modern World
30Carrying the Gospel : World Missionary Conference, 1910 [Umschlagtitel]
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