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1 - 14 von 14
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Extract from the Harmony of the Four Gospels: Containing the History of the Last Days of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, from the Passion...1860
2Liturgy and Hymns for the Use of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum1859
3Bibel. NT, Apostelgeschichte (englisch)
4Bibel. NT, Evangelien (englisch)
5Cossar, Horace J.The Four Gospels Unified1911
6Coutts, Frederick L.The Armoury Commentary - The Four Gospels1973
7Crawford, MaryWho Is This? : a life of Jesus, taken from the four gospels1959
8Davies, BenjaminHarmony of the four Gospels1920
9Drane, JohnJesus : sein Leben, seine Worte, seine Zeit [2. Aufl.]1984
10Fannon, PatrickDie vier Evangelien : Legende oder Wahrheit?1966
11Holdaway, DavidThe Life of Jesus : the four gospels harmonised and presented in chronological order1997
12Martin, Ralph PhilipThe Four Gospels / Ralph P. Martin1994
13Smith, DavidThe Gospel According to St. Matthew with Introduction to the four Gospels1928
14Taylor, Kenneth N.Living Gospels : the four Gospels and the Book of Acts paraphrased1966
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