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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The Bible Promise Book1985
2Barclay, WilliamThe Promise of the Spirit1960
3Barclay, WilliamEr wird euch einen Beistand geben : das biblische Zeugnis vom Heiligen Geist1968
4Booth, Robert RandyChildren of the Promise : the Biblical case for infant baptism1995
5Bosch, James VandenMoral Criticism : promises and prospects1991
6Bright, BillDie sieben Versprechen der Promise Keepers1997
7Bright, BillDie sieben Versprechen der Promise Keepers4
8Brueggemann, WalterThe Land : place as gift, promise, and challenge in Biblical faith1986
9Butler, Sara u.a.The Pontificate of Benedict XVI : Its Premises and Promises2009
10Coleman, Robert E.The spark that ignites1989
11Dunn, RonaldObjectif terre promise1987
12Dyer, DonitaStrahlende Hoffnung : Die bewegende Geschichte der koreanischen Helen Keller1983
13Guinness, GeraldineChina and the Gospel : Obtaining Promises ; Report of the China Inland Mission 19321932
14Hershey, KathrinGod's forever promise [Flanell] : 2 Samuel 71972
15Horner, Bob u.a.Christsein auch im Job1998
16Ivy, Steven S.Die Einsamkeit sprengen : Leid und Chancen der Einsamkeit1991
17Keller, TimothyCounterfeit Gods : When the Empty Promises of Love, Money and Power Let You Down2010
18Lewis, GreggThe Power of a Promise Kept : Life Stories1995
19Lindsey, HalDie Verheissung : Jeshua Hamashiach, Jesus der Messias1983
20Lockyer, HerbertAll the Promises of the Bible : a unique compilation and exposition of Divine promises in Scripture1970
21Lundin, Roger u.a.The Promise of Hermeneutics1999
22Martin, Oren R.Bound for the Promised Land : The land promise in God's redemptive plan2015
23Maxwell, Thomas W.Renewal in the Fullness of the Trinity : the Charismatic promise1995
24Mayhue, RichardDein Glaube hat dich geheilt1999
25McComiskey, Thomas EdwardThe Covenants of Promise : a theology of the Old Testament Covenants1985
26McKeever, JamesYou Can Overcome : God Promises Special Blessings to Overcomers [2. Aufl.]1982
27Meyer, F. B.Joshua and the land of promise
28Pippert, Wesley C.Land of Promise, Land of Strife : Israel at Forty1988
29Redpath, AlanFaith for the Times : Part 1 - The Promise of Deliverance ; Studies in the Prophecy of Isaiah Chapters 40 to 661972
30Sánchez M., Leopoldo A.More Promise Than Ambiguity: Pneumatological Christology as a Model for Ecumenical Engagement
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