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# Person  Titel Jahr
2Alexander, Patrick H. u.a.Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements1990
3Brumback, CarlWhat Meaneth This? : a Pentecostal answer to a Pentecostal question1947
4Bruner, Frederick DaleA Theology of the Holy Spirit : the Pentecostal experience and the New Testament witness1972
5Frodsham, Stanley HowardWith Signs Following : the story of the Latter-Day Pentecostal Revival1926
6Gee, DonaldThe Pentecostal Movement : including the story of the war years (1940-1947)1949
7Hollenweger, Walter J.Charismatisch-pfingstliches Christentum : Herkunft, Situation, ökumenische Chancen1997
8Land, Steven J. u.a.Journal of Pentecostal Theology. Supplement Series
9Petersen, DouglasNot by Might Nor by Power : a Pentecostal theology of social concern in Latin America1996
10Pomerville, Paul A.The Third Force in Missions : a Pentecostal contribution to contemporary mission theology1985
11Thomas, John ChristopherReading the Bible from Within Our Traditions : a pentecostal hermeneutic as test case2000
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