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# |
Person ![](images/sortasc.png) |
Titel |
Jahr |
1 | | General Articles on the New Testament. The Gospel of Matthew. The Gospel of Mark | 1999 |
2 | Barclay, William | Markusevangelium / ausgel. von William Barclay | 197. |
3 | Bowman, John | The Gospel of Mark : the new Christian Jewish Passover Haggadah | 1965 |
4 | Branscomb, B. Harvie | The Gospel of Mark | 1946 |
5 | Bratcher, Robert G. u.a. | A Translator's Handbook on the Gospel of Mark | 1961 |
6 | Calvin, John | A Harmony of the Gospels : Matthew, Mark and Luke Volume I | 1972 |
7 | Calvin, John | A Harmony of the Gospels : Matthew, Mark and Luke Volume II | 1972 |
8 | Calvin, John | A Harmony of the Gospels : Matthew, Mark and Luke Volume III and the epistles of James and Jude | 1972 |
9 | France, Richard Thomas | The Gospel of Mark : a Commentary on the Greek text [8. Aufl.] / NIGTC | 2021 |
10 | Hübsch, Renate | Das Markusevangelium : Begegnungen mit dem Mann aus Nazareth | 2001 |
11 | Perkins, Pheme | The Gospel of Mark : introduction, commentary, and reflections | 1999 |
12 | Smith, Hamilton | Siehe, mein Knecht! : eine Hilfe zum Studium des Markus-Evangeliums | 1988 |
13 | Telford, W. R. | New Testament Theology [NTTh] : The Theology of the Gospel of Mark [3. Aufl.] | 2005 |
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