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1 - 17 von 17
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1John / R. V. G. Tasker [Rückentitel]
2St. John
3St. John I / Bernard [Rückentitel]
4St. John II / Bernard [Rückentitel]
5The Gospel according to St. John, in the Amharic language1864
6Barrett, Charles KingsleyThe Gospel According to St John : an introduction with commentary and notes on the Greek text1955
7Bernard, John HenryA Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. John : vol. I1942
8Bernard, John HenryA Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. John : vol. II1942
9Bernard, John HenryA Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. John : vol. I1928
10Bernard, John HenryA Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. John : vol. II1928
11Calvin, JohnThe Gospel according to St John ; 1 - 101974
12Calvin, JohnThe Gospel according to St John ; 11 - 21 and the first epistle of John1961
13Hastings, EdwardThe Gospel According to St John : volume II1931
14Krapf, LudwigThe Gospel according to St. John : translated into the Galla language1871
15Plummer, AlfredThe Gospel according to St John : with Maps, Notes and Introduction [1923]1923
16Smith, DavidThe Gospel According to St. John1928
17Tasker, Randolph Vincent Green...The Gospel according to St. John : an Introduction and Commentary1980
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