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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The Word of God in the Life of Man : sermon outlines with related studies (Advent to Trinity) [2. Aufl.]1955
2When God Guides1990
3When God Provides1986
4Fellowship with God1975
5Gott liebt dich : Prüfungsbögen1972
6"Die ganze Schrift ist von Gott inspiriert und nützlich" / Wachtturm-Gesellschaft1990
7"Dinge in denen es unmöglich ist, dass Gott lügt"1965
8Kehrt um zu Gott - Seid fröhlich in Hoffnung1997
9Dann ist das Geheimnis Gottes vollendet1970
10Ist die Bibel wirklich das Wort Gottes?1969
11A Quiet Moments with God Devotional
12Through the Night with God1999
13Gott bleibt wahrhaftig / Vereinigung Jehovas Zeugen der Schweiz1946
14Bibel. AT, Hiob (englisch)
15A Biography of John Sung : flame for God in the Far East [Umschlagtitel]
16Exodus / Ashby [Rückentitel]
17Loving God and Keeping His Commandments : in memoriam Klaus Bockmühl
18Operation World : When We Pray God Works ; 21st Century Edition
19Unity of God. Christian Healing. The People's Idea of God
20God in Christ the Only Revelation of the Fatherhood of God
21The God-Man / by John Stock
22The Grace of God
23The Holy Spirit and the Sons of God
24Is There a God?
25The Knowledge of God
26The Proof of the Living God
27The Testimony of Foreign Missions to the Superintending Providence of God
28Declaration of Principles Concerning the Church and Its External Relationships : Declaration on the Word of God and the Scriptures1920; 1938
29"Babylon the great has fallen!" : God`s Kingdom Rules!1963
30Aagaard, Johannes u.a.Gods of the New Age, 2ème partie
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