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1 - 16 von 16
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Introduction to Wisdom Literature. The Book of Proverbs. The Book of Ecclesiastes. The Song of Songs. The Book of Wisdom. The Book of Sirach1999
2Commentary on the Song of Songs / R. Abraham b. Isaac ha-Levi Tamakh
3Exum, J. CherylSong of Songs : A Commentary2005
4Feldman, Leon A.R. Abraham b. Isaac ha-Levi Tamakh Commentary on the Song of Songs : based on mss and early printings, with an introduction, notes, variants...1970
5Gledhill, TomThe Message of the Song of Songs : the lyrics of love1994
6Hess, Richard S.Song of Songs2005
7Huwiler, Elizabeth u.a.Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs / NIBCOT1999
8Jenson, Robert W.Song of Songs / Robert W. Jenson2005
9Kaiser, Walter C. (jun.)True Marital Love in Proverbs 5:15-23 and the Interpretation of Song of Songs2000
10Longman, Tremper (III)Song of Songs / NICOT2001
11Provan, Iain WilliamThe Terrors of the Night : love, sex, and power in Song of Songs 32000
12Provan, Iain WilliamEcclesiastes, Song of Songs2001
13Stadelmann, Luis I. J.Love and Politics : a new commentary on the Song of Songs1992
14VanGemeren, Willem A.Psalms - Song of Songs [5. Aufl.] / EBC1993
15Webb, Barry G.Five Festal Garments : Christian reflections on the Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther2000
16Weems, Renita J.The Song of Songs : introduction, commentary, and reflections1999
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