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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The Student's Analytical Greek Testament : presenting at one view the text of Scholz and a grammatical analysis of the verbs, in which every...193.
2Bibel. NT (griechisch)
3Bockmühl, KlausLiving by the Gospel : Christian Roots of Confidence and Purpose1986
4Brinkman, Martien E. u.a.From Roots to Fruits : Protestants and Catholics Toward a Common Understanding of the Church1998
5Dooyeweerd, HermanRoots of Western Culture : Pagan, Secular, and Christian Options1979
6Ekholm, Dwight AllanTheological Roots of the Keswick Movement : William E. Boardman, Robert Pearsall Smith, and the doctrine of the "Higher Christian Life"1992
7Even-Shoshan, AbrahamA New Concordance of the Bible : thesaurus of the language of the Bible Hebrew and Aramaic, roots, words, proper names, phrases and synonyms...1981
8Even-Shoshan, AbrahamA New Concordance of the Bible : thesaurus of the language of the Bible Hebrew and Aramaic, roots, words, proper names, phrases and synonyms...1981
9Fiedler, KlausThe Gospel Takes Roots on Kilimanjaro : A History of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Old Moshi-Mbokomu (1885 - 1940)2008
10Fischer, Raymond RobertThe Children of God : Messianic Jews and Gentile Christians Nourished by Common Jewish Roots2000
11Gasque, Woodrow WardNineteenth Century Roots of Contemporary New Testament Criticism1978
12Geisler, Norman L.Biblical Errancy : an analysis of its philosophical roots1981
13Geisler, Norman L.Die Wurzeln des Bösen1980
14Goldsmith, ElizabethRoots and Wings : five generations and their impact1998
15Haley, AlexWurzeln : Roman1979
16Hindmarsh, D. BruceThe Winnipeg Fundamentalist Network, 1910-1940 : the roots of transdenominational evangelicalism in Manitoba and Saskatchewan1997
17Hunter, James D.What Is Modernity? : historical roots and contemporary features1997
18Keenan, James F.History, Roots, and Innovations : a response to the engaging Protestants1998
19Kemp, Hugh P.Steppe by Step : Mongolian's Christians, from ancient roots to vibrant young church2000
20Lukasse, JohanGemeindebau im nachchristlichen Europa1994
21Meyer, JoyceFreiheit trotz Ablehnung [6. Aufl.]2009
22Nielsen, Niels ChristianRevolutions in Eastern Europe : the religious roots1991
23Ryle, John CharlesHoliness : Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots2001
24Santala, RistoThe Midrash of the Messiah : The Messiah and His Meal in Midrash Ruth Chapters V, VII and VIII and its roots and reflections in correspondin...2002
25Song, Choan-SengDo This in Memory of Jesus : the root of the Reformed heritage
26Tamrat, TaddesseEvangelizing the Evangelized : the root problem between missions and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church1998
27Tidball, Derek J.Who Are the Evangelicals? : tracing the roots of the modern movements1994
28Tozer, Aiden WilsonThe Root of the Righteous1989
29Walsh, MichaelChristen und Caesaren : die Geschichte des frühen Christentums1988
30White, LynnThe Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis2000
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