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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Bibel. AT, Propheten (englisch)
2The Letter to the Hebrews. The Letter of James. The First and Second Letters of Peter. The First, Second, and Third Letters of John. The Let...2000
3Bibel. NT (englisch)
4Revelation I / Charles [Rückentitel]
5Revelation II / Charles [Rückentitel]
6God in Christ the Only Revelation of the Fatherhood of God
7Alexander, H. E.Le chemin de Damas : Les révélations de l'apôtre Paul pour l'eglise et le croyant1920
8Allen, JamesOffenbarung / James Allen1999
9Aune, David EdwardRevelation 1-51997 cop.
10Aune, David EdwardRevelation 17-221998
11Aune, David EdwardRevelation 6-162000
12Baillie, JohnThe Idea of Revelation in Recent Thought197.
13Barclay, WilliamOffenbarung des Johannes 1 / ausgel. von William Barclay1970
14Barclay, WilliamOffenbarung des Johannes 2 / ausgel. von William Barclay1970
15Barnes, AlbertNotes, Explanatory and Practical, on the Book of Revelation1852
16Bauckham, Richard J.The theology of the book of Revelation2001
17Baxter, ElizabethHis Last Word : Bible readings in Revelation [2. Aufl.]1896
18Baxter, RichardParaphrase on the New Testament, With Notes, Doctrinal and Practical : fitted to the use of religious families, in their daily reading of t...1817
19Berten, Ignace RobertGeschichte, Offenbarung, Glaube : eine Einführung in die Theologie Wolfhart Pannenbergs1970
20Berthoud, PierreEn quête des origines : Le premières étapes de l'histoire de la Révélation: Genèse 1 à 112008
21Bewes, RichardThe Lamb Wins! : a guided tour through the Book of Revelation2000
22Blocher, HenriRévélation des origines1979
23Blocher, Henri A. G.Révélation des origines : le début de la Genèse1988
24Bockmühl, MarkusRevelation and Mystery : in ancient Judaism and Pauline Christianity1997
25Brooks, RichardThe Lamb Is All the Glory : the book of Revelation1990
26Burnier, EdouardRevelation chrétienne et Jugement de Valeur1942
27Charles, J. Daryl u.a.Hebrews to Revelation (REBC) [3. Aufl.]2012
28Charles, Robert HenryA Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John : vol. I1920
29Charles, Robert HenryA Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John : vol. II1920
30Couch, SteveMatrix Revelations : A thinking fan's guide to the Matrix triology2003
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