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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Barton, George A.The Religions of the World [2. Aufl.]1920
2Bishop, Arthur StanleyThe World's Altar-Stairs : introductory studies in the religions of the world1910
3Bowker, JohnProblems of Suffering in Religions of the World1970
4Hardon, John A.Gott in den Religionen der Welt1967
5Potter, Charles FrancisThe Story of Religion : as told in the lives of its leaders ; with special reference to atavisms, common elements, and parallel customs in t...1929
6Spiegelberg, FredericDie lebenden Weltreligionen1977
7Toynbee, Arnold JosephDas Christentum und die Religionen der Welt1959
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