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1 - 25 von 25
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Puritan Paperbacks
3Braund, ElizabethDaily Life among the Puritans2000
4Brooks, Thomas u.a.Abschiedspredigten der Puritaner zum Kirchenausschluss in England : die Große Vertreibung von 16622016
5Cook, PaulThe Life and Work of a Minister According to the Puritans2000
6Downham, D.Discipline in the Puritan Congregation2000
7Greyerz, Kaspar vonDer alltägliche Gott im 17. Jahrhundert : zur religiös-konfessionellen Identität der englischen Puritaner
8Heinze, RudiThe Resurrection of Jesus in English Puritan Thought1998
9Hemming, G. A.The Puritans' Dealings with Troubled Souls2000
10Howe, JohnWorks of the Puritan Divines1846
11Keller, Timothy J.Puritan Resources for Biblical Counseling1988
12Kevan, Ernest F.The Grace of Law : A Study in Puritan Theology1983
13Lloyd-Jones, David MartynThe Puritans : their origin and successors ; addresses delivered at the Puritan and Westminster Conferences 1959-19781996
14Lloyd-Jones, David MartynPuritan Papers : volume 1, 1956-19592000
15Murray, Iain H.The Puritans and the Doctrine of Election2000
16Murray, Iain H.Die Hoffnung der Puritaner : Erweckung Mission und Prophetieverständnis1999
17Nuttall, Geoffrey F.A Puritan Prayer-Journal 1651-16631975
18Packer, James InnellThe Puritan View of Preaching the Gospel2000
19Packer, James InnellThe Puritans and the Lord's Day2000
20Packer, James InnellThe Puritans as Interpreters of Scripture2000
21Packer, James InnellThe Witness of the Spirit : the Puritan teaching2000
22Packer, James InnellAmong God's Giants : The Puritan vision of the Christian Life [4. Aufl.]2000
23Schneider, Wilhelm (Übers.)Die englischen Puritaner : 365 Tage lebendiges Wasser [2. Aufl.]2018
24Shaw, BernardThree Plays For Puritans : The Devil's Disciple, Caesar and Cleopatra, Captain Brassbound's Conversion1954
25Williams, RoyLessons from the Prayer Habits of the Puritans1994
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