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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : Translated out of the Original Greek ; The Psalms of David in Metre1825 / 1832
2Bibel. AT, Auswahl (englisch)
3Serbian New Testament and Psalms1970 ?
4The First Book of Maccabees. The Second Book of Maccabees. Introduction to Hebrew Poetry. The Book of Job. The Book of Psalms1999
5D Psalme Bärndütsch1994
6Bibel. AT, Psalmen (deutsch, schweizerdeutsch)
7Bibel. AT, Psalmen (deutsch, zürichdeutsch)
8Horsley on the Psalms I [Rückentitel]
9Horsley on the Psalms II [Rückentitel]
10Psalms : vol. I / Briggs [Rückentitel]
11Psalms : vol. II / Briggs [Rückentitel]
12Vom Segen des Wortes Gottes : Auslegung des 23. Psalms [Umschlagtitel]
13Allen, Leslie ChristopherPsalms 101-1501983
14Augustinus, AureliusSaint Augustin: Espositions on the Book of Psalms ; translated, with notes and indices1989
15Bateman IV, Herbert W. u.a.Interpreting the Psalms for Teaching and Preaching2010
16Bellinger, William H. Jr. u.a.Psalms2013
17Boesch, JosuaD Psalme : us em hebrèische uf züritüütsch überträit1988
18Botha, Phil J. u.a.The Shape and Shaping of the Book of Psalms : The Current State of Scholarship2014
19Boys, ThomasA Key to the Psalms : being a tabular arrangement, by which the Psalms are exhibited to the eye according to a general rule of composition p...1899
20Briggs, Charles Augustus u.a.A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Psalms : vol. I [4. Aufl.]1927
21Briggs, Charles Augustus u.a.A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Psalms : vol. II1925
22Brown, William P.The Oxford Handbook of the Psalms2014
23Broyles, Craig C.Psalms / NIBCOT1999
24Broyles, Craig C. u.a.Interpreting the Psalms : Issues and approaches2005
25Brunnel, Aaron u.a.The Book of Psalms : Composition and Reception2005
26Bullock, C. HassellEncountering the Book of Psalms : A Literary and Theological Introduction2004
27Calvin, JohnA Commentary on the Psalms [Vol. 1]1965
28Campbell, MurdochFrom Grace to Glory : Meditations on the Book of Psalms1979
29Cohen, A.The Psalms : Hebrew text & English translation ; with an introduction and commentary1962
30Cole, Robert L.Psalms 1-2 : Gateway to the Psalter2013
1 - 30 von 125
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