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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Bibel. AT, Auswahl (englisch)
2Introduction to Wisdom Literature. The Book of Proverbs. The Book of Ecclesiastes. The Song of Songs. The Book of Wisdom. The Book of Sirach1999
3Bibel. AT, Sprüche (englisch)
4Proverbs / Toy [Rückentitel]
5Bridges, CharlesA Commentary on Proverbs1974
6Burt, David25 Sketches About Proverbs2000
7Cohen, A.Proverbs : Hebrew text & English translation ; with an introduction and commentary1952
8Delitzsch, Franz u.a.Commentary on the Old Testament : Volume 6 ; Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon1976
9Dell, Katharine J.The Book of Proverbs in Social and Theological Context2006
10Estes, Daniel J.Hear, My Son : teaching and learning in Proverbs 1-91997
11Exell, Joseph S.The Biblical Illustrator : Psalm 119-150, Proverbes, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon[1992 ?]
12Georgel, GillesNotes sur les Proverbes2018
13Grogan, Geoffrey u.a.Proverbs to Isaiah (REBC) [2. Aufl.]2012
14Huwiler, Elizabeth u.a.Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs / NIBCOT1999
15Hybels, BillDie Kunst des Führens ; Meine Führungsprinzipien auf den Punkt gebracht2009
16Kaiser, Walter C. (jun.)True Marital Love in Proverbs 5:15-23 and the Interpretation of Song of Songs2000
17Kidner, DerekThe Proverbs : an introduction and commentary1994
18Kidner, DerekLe livre des Proverbes1986
19Kidner, DerekThe Wisdom of Proverbs, Job & Ecclesiastes : an introduction to Wisdom literature1992
20Kirchner, JerryWisdom : Practical Answers to Today's Problems from the Proverbs1997
21Longman, Tremper (III)Proverbs2006
22MacDonald, WilliamWorte der Weisheit : eine Betrachtung der Sprüche Salomos1986
23McKane, WilliamProverbs : a new approach1992
24Montgomery, David J.'A Bribe Is a Charm' : a study of Proverbs 17:82000
25Murphy, Roland EdmundProverbs / Roland E. Murphy2000
26Peterson, Eugene H.The Message : Proverbs [2. Aufl.]1995
27Rosenberg, A. J.Proverbs : A new English Translation ; Translation of Text, Rashi, and other Commentaries1993
28Spurgeon, Charles HaddonThe Salt-Cellars : A Collection of Proverbs an Quaint Sayings ; Volume I: A-L1975
29Spurgeon, Charles HaddonThe Salt-Cellars : A Collection of Proverbs and Quaint Sayings1975
30Spurgeon, Charles HaddonThe Salt-Cellars : A Collection of Proverbs an Quaint Sayings ; Volume II: M-Z1975
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