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# |
Person |
Titel |
Jahr |
1 | | A Christian Peace Shelf Selection | |
2 | | Frieden für Nahost : Studie | 1973 |
3 | | Forbidden Peace : The Story behind the Headlines [DVD] | 2004 |
4 | | Frieden und Sicherheit : wie wirklich zu finden? | 1986 |
5 | | A man of peace in a world at war: the story of General George L. Carpenter, 1939-1946 world leader of The Salvation Army and his wife Minnie... | 1993 |
6 | Barnes, Cyril | Soldier of Peace | 1962 |
7 | Barnes, Cyril | William Booth and his Army of Peace | 1975 |
8 | Baxter, Richard | A Grief Sanctified : passing through grief to peace and joy ; J. I. Packer presents Richard Baxter's memoir of his wife's life and death | 1998 |
9 | Bisagno, John | The Power of Positive Praying : Provocative Hints for Peace and Power through Confident Prayer [42. Aufl.] | 1987 |
10 | Blocher, Gerhardt u.a. | Christ - Our Peace | 1974 |
11 | Collins, Gary R. | Heisser Draht zum (Über)Nächsten : vom Umgang mit unmöglichen Leuten | 1973 |
12 | Davies, Brian u.a. | Proclaiming Justice & Peace : Documents from John XXIII-John Paul II | 1984 |
13 | Etefa, Tsega | Integration and Peace in East Africa : A History of the Oromo Nation | 2012 |
14 | Evans, Donald | Peace Power and Protest | 1967 |
15 | Evans, W. Glyn | Practicing Peace : Spiritual Excercises that Heal | 1987 |
16 | Fife, Eric Stanley | Man's Peace, God's Glory | 1961 |
17 | Goldsmith, Elizabeth u.a. | Your Guide to Guidance : finding your way through the Bible, inner peace, events, advice, and much more | 1995 |
18 | Graham, Billy | Friede mit Gott [1967] | 1967 |
19 | Graham, Billy | La Paix avec Dieu | 1969 |
20 | Graham, Billy | Friede mit Gott | 1954 |
21 | Hagin, Kenneth Erwin | Herr, lehre uns beten : 26 Lektionen über das Gebet | 1974 |
22 | Harder, Helmut | Der biblische Weg des Friedens | 1983 |
23 | Hunt, Dave | Peace Prosperity and the Coming Holocaust : The New Age Movement in Prophecy | 1983 |
24 | Hunt, Dave | Globaler Friede und Aufstieg des Antichristen [2. Aufl.] | 1994 |
25 | Kirk, Andrew | Handling Problems of Peace and War : an evangelical debate | 1988 |
26 | Lehn, Cornelia | Histoires d' hier et d' aujourd'hui | 1990 |
27 | Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn | The Life of Peace : Studies in Philippians 3 and 4 | 1993 |
28 | Peace Pilgrim | Peace Pilgrim : eine Pilgerin der Liebe : die unglaubliche Geschichte der Hl. Franziska der Gegenwart | 198. |
29 | Richardson, Don | Peace Child | 1990 |
30 | Richardson, Don | Friedens-Kind : Wandlung einer Dschungelkultur grausamer Tücke in Neuguinea | 1976 |