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# Person  Titel Jahr
1A Channel Four Book
2Extract from the Harmony of the Four Gospels: Containing the History of the Last Days of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, from the Passion...1860
3Liturgy and Hymns for the Use of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum1859
4New Testament in four versions1967
5Bibel. NT, Apostelgeschichte (englisch)
6Bibel. NT, Evangelien (englisch)
7Tabernacle Hymns Number Four : A choice collection of hymns and songs for every religious use1957
8Allender, Dan B. u.a.Hope When You're Hurting : answers to four questions hurting people ask1996
9Barabas, Steven u.a.The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible : volume four, M-P1989
10Barrick, William D. u.a.Four Views on the Historical Adam2013
11Barth, KarlChurch Dogmatics : The Doctrine of Creation ; Part Four1978
12Batchelor, MaryTreffpunkt Hauskreis : ein Hauskreis diskutiert Lebensprobleme1971
13Beecham, CatherineSpeaking the Truth : Four brief studies on Christian Witness1974
14Bibby, GeoffreyZu Abrahams Zeiten : Mensch und Kultur vor 4000 Jahren1964
15Bobgan, Deidre u.a.Four Temperaments : Astrology & Personality Testing1992
16Boettner, Loraine u.a.The Meaning Of The Millenium : Four Views1977
17Brown, Colin u.a.History, Criticism & Faith : four exploratory studies1976
18Buxton, AlfredThe four winds of Ethiopia1935
19Cooke, Leila RobinsonFish Four and the Lisu New Testament1948
20Cossar, Horace J.The Four Gospels Unified1911
21Cottrell, Stephen u.a.Emmaus - Auf dem Weg des Glaubens : Kursbuch 2: Gott kennen ; Evangelium leben. Gott als Vater entdecken. Jesus Christus kennen lernen. Komm...2003
22Coutts, Frederick L.The Armoury Commentary - The Four Gospels1973
23Crawford, MaryWho Is This? : a life of Jesus, taken from the four gospels1959
24Davies, BenjaminHarmony of the four Gospels1920
25Dow, Andrew u.a.Four Weeks with Philippians, Colossians & Philemon1984
26Drane, JohnJesus : sein Leben, seine Worte, seine Zeit [2. Aufl.]1984
27Fannon, PatrickDie vier Evangelien : Legende oder Wahrheit?1966
28Grubb, Norman PercyThe Four Pillars of W.E.C. : the basic principles of W.E.C.1963
29Grubb, Norman PercyDie vier Säulen des WEK1965
30Henry, MatthewAn Exposition of the Old and New Testament 5 : Four first Books of the New Testament ; Matthew - John1811
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