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1 - 30 von 283
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The Tyndale Old Testament Lecture
2The Amplified Old Testament : part two Job-Malachi1962
3General Articles on the Bible. General Articles on the Old Testament. The Book of Genesis. The Book of Exodus. The Book of Leviticus2000
4Apollos Old Testament Commentary
5Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament1973
6The Amplified Old Testament : part one Genesis-Esther1964
7Old Testament Library
8ANET : Ancient Near Eastern Texts
9Bibel. AT (englisch)
10Bibel (englisch)
11Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament : a dictionary numerically coded to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance [Umschlagtitel]
16Old Testament Criticism and New Testament Christianity
17The Testimony of Christ to the Old Testament
18Holman Old Testament Commentary
19The Living World of the Old Testament [2. Aufl.]
20Achtemeier, ElizabethPreaching hard texts of the Old Testament [3. Aufl.]2002
21Achtemeier, Elizabeth RicePreaching from the Old Testament1989
22Alexander, David u.a.Bildführer zum Alten Testament1973
23Alexander, David u.a.Bildführer zum Alten Testament [3. Aufl.]1975
24Alexander, David u.a.Bildführer zum Alten Testament : Bildführer zum Neuen Testament : Deutsche Gesamtausgabe1981
25Alington, C. A.A New Approach to the Old Testament1952
26Allen, Ronald J. u.a.Preaching the Old Testament : A Lectionary Commentary2007
27Andrews, Stephen J. u.a.Holman Old Testament Commentary : I&II Samuel2009
28Archer, Gleason LeonardA Survey of Old Testament Introduction1975
29Archer, Gleason LeonardIntroduction à l'Ancien Testament2001
30Archer, Gleason LeonardEinleitung in das Alte Testament 1 / Gleason L. Archer, jr.1987
1 - 30 von 283
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