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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Bibel. NT (griechisch)
2Bruce, StanIntroduction to New Testament Greek Using John's Gospel1999
3Dobson, John H.J'apprends le Grec du Nouveau Testament2004
4Friberg, Barbara u.a.Analytical Greek New Testament : Greek-text analysis1991
5Hoene, JoachimSchlüssel zu Kaufman, Neutestamentliches Griechisch1984
6Holtermann, Horst u.a.Einführung in die griechische Sprache des Neuen Testaments : Grammatik und Übungsbuch [7. Aufl.]2000
7Holtermann, Horst u.a.Einführung in die griechische Sprache des Neuen Testaments [6. Aufl.]1996
8Howard, Wilbert Francis u.a.A Grammar of New Testament Greek
9Kaufman, Paul LeslieNeutestamentliches Griechisch1983
10Kubo, SakaeA Reader's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and a Beginner's Guide for the Translation of New Testament Greek [8. Aufl.]1981
11Metzger, Bruce ManningLexical Aids for Students of New Testament Greek1983
12Morrice, William G.The Durham New Testament Greek Course : a three month introduction1993
13Powers, WardLearn to Read the Greek New Testament : an approach to New Testament Greek based on linguistic principles1983
14Scott, Bernard BrandonReading New Testament Greek : complete word lists and reader's guide1993
15Summers, RayEssentials of New Testament Greeknach 1964
16van Voorst, Robert E.Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary1991
17Wenham, John WilliamKey to the Elements of New Testament Greek1966
18Wenham, John WilliamThe elements of New Testament Greek1967
19Wenham, John WilliamThe Elements of New Testament Greek1965
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