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# |
Person |
Titel |
Jahr |
1 | | Bibel. NT (griechisch) | |
2 | Bruce, Stan | Introduction to New Testament Greek Using John's Gospel | 1999 |
3 | Dobson, John H. | J'apprends le Grec du Nouveau Testament | 2004 |
4 | Friberg, Barbara u.a. | Analytical Greek New Testament : Greek-text analysis | 1991 |
5 | Hoene, Joachim | Schlüssel zu Kaufman, Neutestamentliches Griechisch | 1984 |
6 | Holtermann, Horst u.a. | Einführung in die griechische Sprache des Neuen Testaments : Grammatik und Übungsbuch [7. Aufl.] | 2000 |
7 | Holtermann, Horst u.a. | Einführung in die griechische Sprache des Neuen Testaments [6. Aufl.] | 1996 |
8 | Howard, Wilbert Francis u.a. | A Grammar of New Testament Greek | |
9 | Kaufman, Paul Leslie | Neutestamentliches Griechisch | 1983 |
10 | Kubo, Sakae | A Reader's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and a Beginner's Guide for the Translation of New Testament Greek [8. Aufl.] | 1981 |
11 | Metzger, Bruce Manning | Lexical Aids for Students of New Testament Greek | 1983 |
12 | Morrice, William G. | The Durham New Testament Greek Course : a three month introduction | 1993 |
13 | Powers, Ward | Learn to Read the Greek New Testament : an approach to New Testament Greek based on linguistic principles | 1983 |
14 | Scott, Bernard Brandon | Reading New Testament Greek : complete word lists and reader's guide | 1993 |
15 | Summers, Ray | Essentials of New Testament Greek | nach 1964 |
16 | van Voorst, Robert E. | Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary | 1991 |
17 | Wenham, John William | Key to the Elements of New Testament Greek | 1966 |
18 | Wenham, John William | The elements of New Testament Greek | 1967 |
19 | Wenham, John William | The Elements of New Testament Greek | 1965 |
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