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1 - 24 von 24
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The Holy Bible : New International Version1984
2The Comparative Study Bible : A Parallel Bible ; presenting the New International Version, New American Standard Bible, Amplified Bible, Kin...1990
3Bibel (englisch)
4Bibel. NT (englisch)
7Archer, Gleason LeonardSchwer zu verstehen? : Biblische Fragen und Antworten2005
8Brown, ColinThe New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology1994
9Brown, ColinThe New International Dictionary of NT Theology Volume I: A-F1975
10Brown, ColinThe New International Dictionary of NT Theology Volume 2: G-Pre1976
11Brown, ColinThe New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology : Volume 3: Pri-Z1978
12Dolman, Antony J. u.a.Partners in Tomorrow : strategies for a new international order1978
13Douglas, J. D.New International Dictionary of the Christian1974
14Drollinger, KarinPath to Victory : a sports New Testament with the testimonies of athletes who are winning in life ; New International Version1994
15Elwell, Walter A.Evangelical Commentary on the Bible : Based on the New International Version [3. Aufl.]1994
16Fee, Gordon D.The New International Commentary on the New Testament (NICNT)um 1977-
17Gaebelein, Frank ElyThe Expositor's Bible Commentary : with The New International Version of The Holy Bible : in twelve volumes1976-1992
18Gasque, Woodrow WardNew International Biblical Commentary : New Testament series (NIBCNT)
19Gasque, Woodrow Ward u.a.The New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC)
20Harrison, Roland Kenneth u.a.The New International Commentary on the Old Testament (NICOT)vor 1998-
21Hubbard, Robert L. u.a.New International Biblical Commentary : Old Testament series (NIBCOT)
22Martin, Robert P.Accuracy of Translation : The Primery Criterion in Evaluating Bible Versions with special reference to the New International Version2000
23Thompson, Frank CharlesThe Thompson Chain-Reference Bible : New International Version ; Thompson's original and complete system of Bible study1983
24VanGemeren, Willem A.New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology & Exegesis (NIDOTTE)1997
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