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1 - 30 von 387
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Some Suggested Answers to Selected Exercises in Introduction to Semantics and Translation1980
2The Book of Numbers. The Book of Deuteronomy. Introduction to Narrative Literature. The Book of Joshua, The Book of Judges. The Book of Ruth...1999
3The First Book of Maccabees. The Second Book of Maccabees. Introduction to Hebrew Poetry. The Book of Job. The Book of Psalms1999
4Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature. Daniel. Additions to Daniel. The Twelve Prophets1998
5Introduction to Wisdom Literature. The Book of Proverbs. The Book of Ecclesiastes. The Song of Songs. The Book of Wisdom. The Book of Sirach1999
6NIB : the New Interpreter's Bible
72 Corinthians / Colin Kruse [Umschlagtitel]
8The Acts
9Bibel (englisch)
10Colossians and Philemon
11Commentary on the Song of Songs / R. Abraham b. Isaac ha-Levi Tamakh
12Corinthians I
13Corinthians II
14Supplement to The Dead Sea Scrolls on Microfiche : Introduction and Catalogue
16The Gospel of Luke [Umschlagtitel]
17Introduction to the New Testament / Salmon [Rückentitel]
18John / R. V. G. Tasker [Rückentitel]
19Romans / F. F. Bruce [Umschlagtitel]
20St. John
21St. Luke
22St. Mark
23Timothy and Titus
24Introduction au Nouveau Testament
25Introductions a La Bible : Catholiques, Juifs, Orthodoxes, Protestants lisent La Bible
27A New Companion to the Bible : an introduction to the Scriptures for Bible classes, Sunday schools, and families1875 ?
28(u.a.) u.a.Introduction à l'éthique. Penser, croire, agir2009
29Albright, William Foxwell u.a.Matthew : introduction, translation, and notes1987
30Alexander, H. E.Introduction à la lecture du Nouveau Testament1950
1 - 30 von 387
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