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# |
Person |
Titel |
Jahr |
1 | | Das Alte Testament : Zürcher, Martin Luther (1984), Franz Eugen Schlachter, Revidierte Elberfelder, Hermann Menge, N.H. Tur-Sinai ; Band 2 | 1994 |
2 | | Abbas Effendi : his life and teachings | |
3 | | Bibel. AT, Hiob (deutsch) | |
4 | | Bibel. AT, Hiob (englisch) | |
5 | | Bibel. NT (englisch) | |
6 | | Duties of the Parish Priest [Umschlagtitel] | |
7 | | Hexapla : 1. Samuel bis Hiob [Rückentitel] | |
8 | | Hiob / Johannes Calvin [Umschlagtitel] | |
9 | | Loving God and Keeping His Commandments : in memoriam Klaus Bockmühl | |
10 | | Satan and His Kingdom | |
11 | | The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated out of the original tongue; and with the former translations diligently co... | |
12 | | A man of peace in a world at war: the story of General George L. Carpenter, 1939-1946 world leader of The Salvation Army and his wife Minnie... | 1993 |
13 | | The Man From No Place : The dilemma of a shop steward in search of a revolution who found one on his own building site. | [1968] |
14 | | Das Buch Hiob. Das Buch Kohelet. Das Hohelied | 1998 |
15 | | The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently c... | 1857 |
16 | | Der Heiligen Schrift, und zwar Alten Testaments, Dritter Theil: Nämlich die Bücher Hiob, die Psalmen Davids und anderer geistreicher Männer,... | 1730 |
17 | Aagaard, Johannes u.a. | Stand Firm and Take Action : a festschrift for Milan Opocenský on his 65th birthday | 1996 |
18 | Aarflot, Andreas | Hans Nielsen Hauge : His Life and Message | 1979 |
19 | Alcorn, Randy C. | Lord Foulgrin's Letters : how to strike back at the tyrant by deceiving and destroying his human vermin | 2000 |
20 | Amess, Robert | Can God Use Me? : turning your weaknesses into His opportunities | 2000 |
21 | Andrew (Bruder) u.a. | Da änderte Gott seine Absichten : ... weil sein Volk zu beten wagte | 1994 |
22 | Atkinson, Henry Avery | His Grace the Most Reverend Nathan Söderblom, Archbishop of Upsala, Sweden, 1866-1931 | 1931 |
23 | Augustinus, Aurelius | The Confessions and Letters of St. Augustin : with a sketch of his life and work | 1988 |
24 | Balint, Michael | Der Arzt, sein Patient und die Krankheit | 1970 |
25 | Barnes, Cyril | William Booth and his Army of Peace | 1975 |
26 | Barrett, Charles Kingsley u.a. | Tradition and Interpretation in the New Testament : essays in honor of E. Earle Ellis for his 60th birthday | 1987 |
27 | Barth, Karl | Hiob | 1966 |
28 | Baxter, Elizabeth | His Last Word : Bible readings in Revelation [2. Aufl.] | 1896 |
29 | Baxter, James Sidlow | His Deeper Work in Us : A further enquiry into New Testament teaching on the subect of Christian Holiness | 1967 |
30 | Baxter, James Sidlow | His Part and Ours : Devotional Expositions gathering round the Scripture usage of the possessive pronoun "My" [7. Aufl.] | 1966 |