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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Encyclopedia of World Religions : Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Zen, Hinduism, Prehistoric & Primitive Religions1975
2Begbie, HaroldOther Sheep : A study of the peoples of India, with particular reference to the collision between Christianity and Hinduism1930 ?
3Hooper, W.The Doctrine of Salvation as Set Forth in Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam1906
4Nikhilananda, SwamiDer Hinduismus : seine Bedeutung für die Befreiung des Geistes1960
5Pitt, MalcolmIntroducing Hinduism1962
6Renou, LouisDer Hinduismus / Louis Renou1972
7Ross, Floyd H.The Meaning of Life in Hinduism and Buddhism1952
8Smith, Bardwell L.Hinduism : New essays in the history of religions1982
9Tennent, Timothy C.Christianity at the Religious Roundtable : Evagelicalism in Conversation with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam2004
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