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# Person  Titel Jahr
1A Methodical Hebrew Grammar, Without Points : adapted to the use of learners, and even of those who have not the benefit of a master : to wh...
2The First Book of Maccabees. The Second Book of Maccabees. Introduction to Hebrew Poetry. The Book of Job. The Book of Psalms1999
3The Letter to the Hebrews. The Letter of James. The First and Second Letters of Peter. The First, Second, and Third Letters of John. The Let...2000
4Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament1973
5Bibel (polyglott)
6Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament [1880]
7Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament [1888]
8Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament : a dictionary numerically coded to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance [Umschlagtitel]
9Hebrews / Moffatt [Rückentitel]
10Horsley on the Psalms I [Rückentitel]
11Horsley on the Psalms II [Rückentitel]
12The Book of Common Prayer : According to the Use of the United Church of England and Ireland ; Translated into Hebrew [Nachdr.]19.
13Agnew, Milton S.Better Covenant : Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews1975
14Alcalay, ReubenThe Complete English Hebrew Dictionary : Volume I A-L1994
15Alcalay, ReubenThe Complete Hebrew English Dictionary1994
16Alcalay, ReubenThe Complete English Hebrew Dictionary : Volume II M-Z1994
17Alcalay, ReubenThe Complete English Hebrew - Hebrew English Dictionary [Schuber]1994
18Alter, RobertThe Hebrew Bible (Volume 1) : The Five Books of Moses. Torah2019
19Alter, RobertThe Hebrew Bible (Volume 2) : Prophets. Nevi'im2019
20Alter, RobertThe Hebrew Bible (Volume 3) : The Writings. Ketuvim2019
21Alter, RobertThe Hebrew Bible : A Translation with Commentary (3 Bände)2019
22Arnold, Bill T. u.a.A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax2003
23Auld, A. GraemeLife in Kings : Reshaping the Royal Story in the Hebrew Bible2017
24Bandastra, BerryGenesis 1-11 : A Handbook on the Hebrew Text / Barry Bandastra2008
25Barclay, WilliamBrief an die Hebräer / ausgel. von William Barclay1970
26Barclay, WilliamRichtet die erschlafften Hände auf : eine Einführung in den Hebräerbrief1968
27Barclay, WilliamThe Letter to the Hebrews [5. Aufl.]1963
28Barday, Jacob u.a.The New Covenant : Commonly Called The New Testament ; Peshitta Aramaic Text, with a Hebrew Translation2005
29Barnes, AlbertNotes, Explanatory and Practical, on the Epistle to the Hebrews1852
30Berlin, AdeleIntroduction to Hebrew Poetry1999
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