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1 - 30 von 167
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The Greek Ecclesiastical Historians of the First Six Centuries of the Christian Era : in six volumes
2The Book of Numbers. The Book of Deuteronomy. Introduction to Narrative Literature. The Book of Joshua, The Book of Judges. The Book of Ruth...1999
3The First Book of Maccabees. The Second Book of Maccabees. Introduction to Hebrew Poetry. The Book of Job. The Book of Psalms1999
4The Letter to the Hebrews. The Letter of James. The First and Second Letters of Peter. The First, Second, and Third Letters of John. The Let...2000
5The Second Letter to the Corinthians. The Letter to the Galatians. The Letter to the Ephesians. The Letter to the Philippians. The Letter to...2000
6The First and Second Books of Kings. The First and Second Books of Chronicles. The Book of Ezra. The Book of Nehemiah. The Book of Esther. A...1999
7Service for the First Two Nights of Passover1937
8Bibel. NT, Evangelien (englisch)
9Bibel. NT, Korintherbrief I (englisch)
10Charges and Addresses : J. C. Ryle, first Bishop of Liverpool
11Corinthians I
12The First Christians
13I & II Thessalonians [Rückentitel]
14I Corinthians / Robertson and Plummer [Rückentitel]
15Kirchenhandbuch der Ersten Kirche Christi, Wissenschafter in Boston, Mass., U.S.A. [Umschlagtitel]
16Synopsis of the First Three Gospels : with the addition of the Johannine parallels
17The Doctrinal Value of the First Chapters of Genesis
18Youth Witness : First World Assembly, Amsterdam 1962
19Christian Life, Faith and Thought in the Society of Friends : Being the First Part of Christian Discipline of the Religious Society of Frien...1922
20The First Book of Moses called Genesis : translated into the Galla language1872
21Adeney, Frances u.a.Christianity Encountering World Religions : The Practice of Mission in the Twenty-first Century2009
22Adrian, William B. u.a.Models for Christian Higher Education : strategies for survival and success in the twentieth-first century1997
23Allen, Joseph L.The Society Of Christian Ethics 1980 : Selected Papers from the Twenty-First Annual Meeting1980
24Armstrong, Joseph u.a.Building of The Mother Church : the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts1980
25Armstrong, KarenThe First Christian : Saint Paul's impact on Christianity1983
26Attridge, Harold W.First-Century Cynicism in the Epistles of Heraclitus : introduction, Greek text and translation1976
27Augustinus, AureliusSt. Augustin: Homilies on the Gospel on John, Homilies on the First Epistle of John, Soliloquies1986
28Barclay, Wade CrawfordThe Bible : part I: First standard manual of teacher training1918
29Barnes, AlbertNotes, Explanatory and Practical, on the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians1852
30Barrett, Charles KingsleyA Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians1992
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