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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Alexander, Ralph H. u.a.Jeremiah to Ezekiel (REBC) [5. Aufl.]2015
2Allen, Leslie ChristopherEzekiel 1-191994
3Allen, Leslie ChristopherEzekiel 20-481990
4Block, Daniel IsaacThe Book of Ezekiel : chapters 1-241997
5Block, Daniel IsaacThe Book of Ezekiel : chapters 25-481998
6Delitzsch, Franz u.a.Commentary on the Old Testament : Volume 9 ; Ezekiel, Daniel1976
7Duguid, Iain M.Ezekiel / Iain M. Duguid2000
8Ellison, Henry LeopoldEzekiel: The Man and his Message1956
9Exell, Joseph S.The Biblical Illustrator : Jeremiah, Ezekiel[1992 ?]
10Farrar, Frederick William u.a.The Expositor's Bible : The Book of Ezekiel || The Book of Daniel1900
11Grogan, Geoffrey W.Isaiah - Ezekiel [6. Aufl.] / EBC1992
12Taylor, John B.Ezekiel : an introduction and commentary1994
13Taylor, John B.Ezekiel1992
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