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# Person  Titel Jahr
2Barton, JohnUnderstanding Old Testament Ethics : Approaches and Explorations2003
3Cleary, JohnBoundless Salvation. A 4 part exploration of Salvationist history, theology, culture and mission. 1 Beiheft: Interactive Study Guide2008
4Gibbard, MarkDynamic of Love : an exploration into believing, praying and being human [2. Aufl.]1974
5Gillett, David K.Trust and Obey : explorations in Evangelical spirituality1993
6Gnanakan, Ken R.Kingdom Concerns : A Biblical Exploration towards a Theology of Mission1989
7Kirk, Andrew J.What Is Mission? : Theological Explorations [2nd Print.]2004
8Lawson KenNothing Without Love : Explorations in person to person evangelism1986
9Lazareth, William H.The Lord of Life : theological explorations of the theme 'Jesus Christ, the Life of the World'1983
10Murphy, Roland EdmundThe Tree of Life : an exploration of Biblical wisdom literature1996
11Nicol, ThomasA Sketch of Recent Exploration in Bible Lands
12Peterson, Eugene H.Under the Unpredictable Plant : An Exploration in Vocational Holiness [10. Aufl.]2005
13Rittmeyer, CharlesExploration de la pensée de Jésus1958
14Robinson, John Arthur ThomasExploration into God1967
15van Leeuwen, Raymond C.Building God's House : an exploration in wisdom2000
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