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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The Book of Numbers. The Book of Deuteronomy. Introduction to Narrative Literature. The Book of Joshua, The Book of Judges. The Book of Ruth...1999
2Block, Daniel IsaacDeuteronomy / Daniel I. Block2012
3Brown, RaymondThe Message of Deuteronomy : not by bread alone1993
4Clements, Ronald ErnestThe Book of Deuteronomy : introduction, commentary, and reflections1999
5Craigie, Peter C.The Book of Deuteronomy / NICOT1976
6Daniels, Dwight RogerThe Creed of Deuteronomy XXVI Revisited1990
7Exell, Joseph S.The Biblical Illustrator : Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth[1992 ?]
8Fox, EverettThe Five Books of Moses : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy ; A New Translation with Introductions, Commentary and Notes ...1995
9Goldsmith, MartinLeviticus - Deuteronomy / M. Goldsmith1981
10Grant, Jamie A.The King as Exemplar : The Function of Deuteronomy`s Kingship Law in the Shaping of the Book of Psalms2004
11Henry, Matthew u.a.The Holy Bible and A Commentary : Genesis to Deuteronomy
12Huey, F. B. (jun.) u.a.Deuteronomy | Joshua | Judges | Ruth | 1, 2 Samuel / EBC1992
13MacDonald, NathanDeuteronomy and the Meaning of "Monotheism"2003
14Mackintosh, Charles HenryNotes on the Book of Deuteronomy 2
15Matthews, Victor Harold u.a.The IVP Bible Background Commentary : Genesis-Deuteronomy1997
16Maxwell, John C.Deuteronomy1987
17McCarthy, CarmelBiblia Hebraica Quinta, Fascicle 5 : Deuteronomy2007
18Millar, J. GaryNow Choose Life : theology and ethics in Deuteronomy1998
19Reimer, David JamesConcerning Return to Egypt : Deuteronomy XVII 16 and XXVIII 68 reconsidered1990
20Thompson, John ArthurDeuteronomy : an introduction and commentary1991
21Tigay, Jeffrey H.The JPS Torah Commentary : Deuteronomy - Devarim1996
22Welch, Adam C.The Code of Deuteronomy : A New Theory of its Origin1924
23Wright, Christopher J. H.Deuteronomy2012
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