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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Liturgi : alo Gbedododawo Kpakple Hamesubosubo ; le Ewe-Gbe me1877
2Armée du Salut FranceUn Projet pour le 21e siècle2001
3Brändle, Rudolf u.a.The Formation of the First 'Christian Congregations' in Rome in the Context of the Jewish Congregations1998
4Cook, Sharon AnneBeyond the Congregation : women and Canadian evangelicalism reconsidered1997
5Downham, D.Discipline in the Puritan Congregation2000
6Grenz, Stanley J.The Baptist Congregation : A Guide to Baptist Belief and Practice1995
7Manthe, Norbert MartinPastors and Congregations of the Antecedent Synods of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, 1850-1917 : (The Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michi...2001
8Schnase, Robert C.Fruchtbare Gemeinden und was sie auszeichnet2009
9Stromberg, JeanMission And Evangelism : An Ecumenical Affirmation ; A Study Guide For Congregations1983
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