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1 - 9 von 9
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Women of Confidence Series
2Bockmühl, KlausLiving by the Gospel : Christian Roots of Confidence and Purpose1986
3Bright, BillWitnessing Without Fear : How To Share Your Faith With Confidence [15. Aufl.]1998
4Conrad, Miriam ButlerThe Courage to Be Real : becoming a woman of confidence and integrity1999
5Dargatz, Jan Lynette52 mal Du bist wertvoll : Bausteine für ein gesundes Selbstwertgefühl Ihres Kindes1994
6Jeffress, RobertHearing the Master's Voice : the comfort and confidence of knowing God's will2001
7Kent, CarolTame Your Fears & Transform Them Into Faith, Confidence & Action : women reveal what they fear most1993
8McGinnis, Alan LoySelbstwertgefühl1996
9Robertson, Edwin HantonDie Neuentdeckung der Bibel1961
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