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1 - 30 von 39
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Mission in Community : The Salvation Army's Integrated Mission2006
2Adam, PeterThe Trinity and Human Community1998
3Barnett, Paul WilliamChristian Community and the Gospel1998
4Beynon, GrahamGod's New Community : New Testament patterns for today's church2010
5Bilezikian, Gilbert G.Community 101 : reclaiming the church as community of oneness [3. Aufl.]1997
6Bilezikian, Gilbert G.Gemeinschaft : Gottes Vision für die Gemeinde [2. Aufl.]2005
7Bolger, Ryan K. u.a.Emerging Churches : Creating Christian Community in Postmodern Cultures (4. Aufl.)2006
8Boren, M. ScottMissional Small Groups : Becoming a Community that Makes a Difference in the World2010
9Catchpole, David R.Reproof and Reconciliation in the Q Community : a study of the tradition-history of Mt 18,15-17.21-22/Lk 17,3-41983
10Chan, SimonLiturgical Theology : The Church as Worshiping Community2006
11Chester, Tim u.a.Total Church : A Radical Reshaping around Gospel and Community2008
12Clifton, Donald O. u.a.Living your Strengths : Discover your God-given talents and inspire your community [2. Aufl.]2004
13Flesseman-van Leer, Ellen u.a.Jewish-Christian dialogue : Six years of Christian-Jewish consultations ; the quest for world community: Jewish and Christian perspectives1975
14Flett, John G.The Witness of Good : The Trinity, Missio Dei, Karl Barth, and the Nature of Christian Community2010
15Grenz, Stanley J.Theology for the Community of God1994
16Hays, Richard B.The Moral Vision of the New Testament : Community, Cross, New Creation ; A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics2004
17Hybels, BillGemeinschaft : in Gottes Familie hineinwachsen1997
18Hybels, BillBuild Community : Acts1999
19Hybels, Bill u.a.New Community Bible Study Series
20Kallestad, Walt P.Mit offenen Armen : Wie meine Gemeinde für Gäste attraktiv wird2002
21Kavunkal, JacobTo Gather Them Into One : evangelization in India today ; a process of building community1985
22King, Martin LutherChaos or Community?1968
23Kraus, Clyde NormanThe Community of the Spirit : how the church is in the world1993
24Kraus, Clyde NormanAuf dem Weg zur Gemeinde : die Bewegung Gottes unter den Menschen1983
25Latourette, Kenneth ScottThe Twentieth Century Outside Europe : The Americas, the Pacific, Asia and Africa: The Emerging World Christian Community [= Vol. 5]1969
26Müller, RolandThe Messenger, The Message & The Community : Three Critical Issues for the Cross-Cultural Church Planter [2. Aufl.]2010
27Needham, PhilCommunity in Mission1987
28Negash, TekesteThe Catholic Mission and the Catholic Community in Eritrea, 1894-19501998
29Parvey, Constance F.Die Gemeinschaft von Frauen und Männern in der Kirche1985
30Peterson, Eugene H.Where Your Treasure Is : Psalms that summon you from self to community1993
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