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1 - 30 von 1130
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Hodder Christian Paperbacksum 1975-
2A Christian Peace Shelf Selection
3Jesus Christus heute und ewig = today and forever : 17. Weltbundtagung der Jugendbünde für entschiedenes Christentum = 17th World's Christia...1974
4Impact Books : contemporary writing for contemporary Christians
5Christian Witness Among Muslims1994
6The Kneeling Christian / by an Unknown Christian [8. Aufl.]
7The Thailand Report on Buddhists : report of the consultation on world evangelization, mini-consultation on reaching Buddhists1980
8The Thailand Report on People of African Traditional Religions : report of the consultation on world evangelization, mini-consultation on re...1980
9IVP Series in Contemporary Christian Thought
10Christian Counselling Series
11Venite adoremus I : World's Student Christian Federation Prayer Book1951
12Als Christ leben lernen1986
13Library of Christian Stewardship
14Zur Erinnerung an Christian Adolf Müller-Krebs, 18. Dezember 1903-21. April 19741974
15IVP Series in Creative Christian Living
16The Greek Ecclesiastical Historians of the First Six Centuries of the Christian Era : in six volumes
17The Library of Christian Classics : Ichthus Edition
18Christian Belief and Education : the 1997 Prague Declaration1997
19Spittler-Archiv : Katalog des Nachlasses von Christian Friedrich Spittler im Staatsarchiv Basel (Briefwechsel, Protokolle, Gründungen, Famil...
20Report of Commission I : Carrying the Gospel to All the Non-Christian World ; with supplement: Presentation and discussion of the Report in ...1910
21Report of Commission III : Education in Relation to the Christianisation of National Life ; with supplement: Presentation and discussion of ...1910
22Report of Commission IV : the Missionary Message in Relation to Non-Christian Religions ; with supplement: Presentation and discussion of th...1910
23A New Dictionary of Christian Theology1993
24Christian Books for the Modern World
2517. Weltbundtagung der Jugendbünde für entschiedenes Christentum = 17th World's Christian Endeavour Convention
26Bible Study Hand Book on Christian Family [Umschlagtitel]
27Brief an die Galater / von Christian Maurer
28Carrying the Gospel : World Missionary Conference, 1910 [Umschlagtitel]
29Christian Education : World Missionary Conference, 1910 [Umschlagtitel]
30Christian Witness to Buddhists [Umschlagtitel]
1 - 30 von 1130
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