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# |
Person ![](images/sortasc.png) |
Titel |
Jahr |
1 | Barnes, Cyril | Words of Catherine Booth | 1981 |
2 | Batourine, Serge | Catherine Booth | 1891 |
3 | Booth-Tucker, Frederick | Life of Catherine Booth Vol. I | 1892 |
4 | Booth-Tucker, Frederick | Life of Catherine Booth Vol. II | 1892 |
5 | Borkowski, Fridel u.a. | Catherine Booth : ein Leben für Gott | 1960 |
6 | Bramwell-Booth, Catherine | Catherine Booth - The Story of her Loves | 1970 |
7 | Bramwell-Booth, Catherine | Catherine Booth Story of Her Loves | 1978 |
8 | Duff, Mildred | Catherine Booth A Sketch | 1914 |
9 | Duff, Mildred | Catherine Booth | 1913 |
10 | Fairbank, Jenty | William and Catherine Booth | 1974 |
11 | Gossauer-Peroz, Corinne | Prier 15 Jours Avec William et Catherine Booth | 2008 |
12 | Green, Roger J. | Catherine Booth | 1996 |
13 | Green, Roger J. | Catherine Booth - Dienerin der Armen, Gewissen der Reichen, Anwältin der Verlorenen: Die "Mutter der Heilsarmee" | 2010 |
14 | Green, Roger J. | Catherine Booth : Dienerin der Armen, Gewissen der Reichen, Anwältin der Verlorenen: Die "Mutter der Heilsarmee" | 2010 |
15 | Hosier, Helen Kooiman | William and Catherine Booth | 1982 |
16 | Mestral Combremont, J. de | Catherine Booth-Clibborn, 1858-1955 | 195. |
17 | Mestral Combremont, J. de | Marechale Catherine Booth-Clibborn (La) | 1941 |
18 | Naville, Helene | Catherine Booth et la Fondation de l'Armée du Salut | 1925 |
19 | Oliphant, W. Elwin | Das Leben von Catherine Booth, Mutter der Heilsarmee | 1902 |
20 | Pagel, Arno | Catherine Booth 1829-1890 | 1986 |
21 | Parkin Christine | Catherine Booth Her Continuing Relevance | 1990 |
22 | Read, John | Catherine Booth - Laying the Theological Foundations of a Radical Movement | 2013 |
23 | Stiefel, Elisabeth | Kleine Chronik grosser Frauen Bd. 2 : Aus dem Leben von Dorothea Christiana Erxleben, Catherine Booth, Corrie ten Boom und anderen | 2006 |
24 | Waldron John D | Christian History | |
25 | Yaxley, Travor | William & Catherine Booth : Leben und Vermächtnis der Gründer der Heilsarmee | 2007 |
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