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# Person  Titel Jahr
1An Evangelical Response to Confessing the One Faith1993
2The Authority of the Faith1939
3Confessing the Faith in India
4Hold the Faith : an introductory Bible study course : book two1962
5Faith and Order Paper
6Foundations for Faith
7Colloquium 2000 : Faith communities and social movements facing globalisation
8Justification by Faith
9Science and Christian Faith
10Friendship in Faith : Edward Bouverie Pusey und Friedrich August Gottreu Tholuck im Kampf gegen Rationalismus und Panthetismus
11Foundations for Faith1973
12Christian Life, Faith and Thought in the Society of Friends : Being the First Part of Christian Discipline of the Religious Society of Frien...1922
13Christian Believing : The Nature of the Christian Faith and Its Expression in Holy Scripture and Creeds1976
14Man's Heart either God's Temple or Satan's Abode : Represented in 10 Figures ; For Awaking and Promoting Christian Faith and Life1873
15Man's Heart either God's Temple or Satan's Abode : Represented in 10 Figures ; For Awaking and Promoting Christian Faith and Life1870
16The Bahai Faith : A Summary Reprinted from the Encyclopaedia Britannica
17Ahrens, Theodor u.a.Christianity and Other Faiths in Europe1995
18Aitken, William Hay u.a.What Is Faith?1924
19Allen, John L. Jr.Joseph Ratzinger [2. Aufl.] / von John L. Allen2005
20Anderson, Stuart LeRoyA Faith to Live By1959
21And othersScience and faith1984
22Ankerberg, John u.a.Fakten über die Freimaurer : Steht die Freimaurerei im Widerspruch zum christlichen Glauben?2003
23Ariarajah, Seevaratnam WesleyDie Bibel und die Andersgläubigen1994
24Arterburn, Stephen u.a.Toxic Faith : experiencing healing from painful spiritual abuse2001
25Aulén, GustafThe Faith of the Christian Church1977
26Aulén, GustafThe Faith of the Christian Church1954
27Bacon, Daniel W.From Faith To Faith1983
28Bailey, NeyGlaube ist kein Gefühl1980
29Baldwin, LindleySamuel Morris & the March of Faith1971
30Bamber, T. M. u.a.The Royal Albert Hall Campaign 1944 : under the auspices of The Faith for the Times Campaign ; addresses given during a sixteen-days' campai...1944
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