Über die Bibliothek:
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Environmental Planning and Impact Assessment 1993-2000 [CD-ROM]2002
2Gray, Tony u.a.Reconstructing Theology : a critical assessment of the theology of Clark Pinnock2000
3Hasel, Frank M.Scripture in the Theologies of W. Pannenberg and D. G. Bloesch : an investigation and assessment of its origin, nature and use1996
4Hübsch, RenateSo stell ich mir mein Leben vor : sieben Orientierungspunkte2001
5Newman, Carey C.Jesus and the Restoration of Israel : A Critical Assessment of N. T. Wright's Jesus and the Victory of God1999
6Noll, Mark A. u.a.Is the Reformation over? : An Evangelical Assessment oft contemporary Roman Catholicism2005
7Ott, BernhardBeyond Fragmentation: Integrating Mission and Theological Education : A Critical Assessment of some Recent Developments in Evangelical Theol...2001
8Thomas, WilliamAn Assessment of Mass Meetings As a Method of Evangelism : case study of Eurofest '75 and the Billy Graham Crusade in Brussels1977
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