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1 - 19 von 19
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1The Apologetic Value of Paul's Epistles
3Beyerhaus, Peter P. J.Mission and Apologetics2005
4Bruce, Frederick FyvieThe Apostolic Defence of the Gospel : christian apologetic in the New Testament
5Carnell, Edward JohnChristian Commitment : an apologetic1957
6Clark, David K. u.a.Apologetics in the New Age : A Christian critique of Pantheism [3. Aufl.]1992
7Craig, William LaneReasonable Faith : Christian truth and apologetics1996
8Demarest, Bruce A. u.a.Integrative Theology : historical, biblical, systematic, apologetic, practical1996
9Geisler, Norman L.Christian Apologetics1983
10Geisler, Norman L.Christian Apologetics1988
11Grafe, HugaldHindu Apologetics at the Beginning of the Protestant Mission Era in India1999
12Grogan, GeoffreyThe Christ of the Bible and of the Church's Faith : a Theological and Apologetic Study1988
13Kreeft, Peter u.a.Handbook of Christian Apologetics : hundreds of answers to crucial questions1997
14Mayers, Ronald B.Both/And: A Balanced Apologetic1984
15Peterson, David G.Resurrection Apologetics and the Theology of Luke-Acts1998
16Pinnock, Clark H.Set forth Your Case : studies in Christian apologetics1968
17Reid J K SChristian Apologetics1969
18Richardson AlanChristian Apologetics1948
19TertullianLatin Christianity: Its Founders, Tertullian : I. Apologetic; II. Anti-Marcion; III. Ethical1989
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