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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Anderson, M.Jesus : the Light and Fragrance of God1994-1995
2Anderson, Neil T.Walking in the Light : Discerning God's Guidance in an Age of Spiritual Counterfeits [4. Aufl.]1995
3Andrew (Bruder) u.a.Light Force : The Only Hope for the Middle East2004
4Andrews, J. R.George Whitefield : A Light Rising in Obscurity [2. Aufl.]
5Arnold, Eberhard u.a.Salz und Licht : über die Bergpredigt ; mit einem Lebensbild über Eberhard Arnold1982
6Arnold, Francena HarrietClaudia1986
7Atkinson, JamesThe Great Light - Luther and Reformation1968
8Badcock, Gary D.Light of Truth and Fire of Love : a theology of the Holy Spirit1997
9Barlow, Sanna MorrisonLight Is Sown1956
10Branham, William MarrionThe Flashing Red Light of the Sign of His Coming1963
11Brown, ArnoldGate and the Light (The)1984
12Buskies, Gerd-WalterLight for the path : A compilation of memory verses and devotionals2022
13Cerillo, Augustus Jr. u.a.Salt and Light : Evangelical Political Thought in Modern America1989
14Chambers, OswaldNot Knowing Whither : The Steps of Abrahams's Faith ; A Series of Studies in the Life of Abraham1975
15Chan, Lawrence u.a.a light for our path : Reflections on the Ten Commandments1983
16Chetty, GopaulNew Light Upon Indian Philosophy or : Swedenborg and Saiva Siddhanta1923
17Clark, Stephen B.Men and Woman in Christ : An Examination of the Roles of Men and Women in Light of Scripture and the Social Sciences1980
18Clark, WilliamTowards the Light : A Journey Through the Old Testament1985
19Dass, BishanPrayer in the Light of the Divine Immanence1920
20Dreyer, F. C. H. u.a.Roman Catholicism in the Light of Scripture1960
21Drummond, Andrew LandaleEdward Irving and His Circle : including some consideration of the 'tongues' movement in the light of modern psychology193.
22Dunn, James D. G.Paul's Conversion : a light to twentieth century disputes1997
23Eadie, Betty J.Embraced By The Light : The Most Profound and Complete Near-Death Experience Ever1994
24Ellis, Edward EarleThe Old Testament in Early Christianity : canon and interpretation in the light of modern research1992
25Engelder, TheodoreScripture Cannot Be Broken : six objections to verbal inspiration examined in the light of Scripture1944
26Frank, EwaldThe Great Tragedy and God`s Plan of Salvation in the Light of the End-time Message2000
27Freeman, Hobart E.Befreiung aus dem Netz des Okkultismus1974
28Geikie, CunninghamHours with the Bible : the Scriptures in the Light of Modern Discovery and Knowledge ; New Testament, the life and words of Christ vol. I1896
29Geikie, CunninghamHours with the Bible : or, The Scriptures in the Light of Modern Discovery and Knowledge ; vol. III-IV, Samson to Hezekiah1887
30Geikie, CunninghamHours with the Bible : or, The Scriptures in the Light of Modern Discovery and Knowledge ; vol. V-VI, Manasseh to Malachi1887
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