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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Austel, Hermann J. u.a.1,2 Kings | 1,2 Chronicles | Ezra | Nehemiah | Esther | Job [6. Aufl.] / EBC1992
2Austel, Hermann J. u.a.1 Samuel to 2 Kings (REBC) [3. Aufl.]2013
3Cooper, Derek u.a.1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles / ed. by Derek Cooper2016
4Delitzsch, Franz u.a.Commentary on the Old Testament : Volume 3 ; 1&2. Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemia, Esther1976
5Grabbe, Lester L.1 & 2 Kings : History and Story in Ancient Israel ; An Introduction and Study Guide2017
6Hobbs, T. Raymond2 Kings1985
7House, Paul R.1, 2 Kings / Paul R. House1995
8Provan, Iain William1 and 2 Kings [2. Aufl.] / NIBCOT1999
9Spurgeon, Charles HaddonGenesis to 2 Kings / C. H. Spurgeon1951
10Vos, Howard Frederic1, 2 Kings1989
11Wiseman, Donald John1 and 2 Kings : an introduction and commentary1993
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