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# |
Person ![](images/sortasc.png) |
Titel |
Jahr |
1 | | The Campbell Morgan Bible Lectureship | |
2 | | Westminster Aids to the Study of the Scriptures | |
3 | | The Library of Christian Classics : Ichthus Edition | |
4 | | The Worshipbook : Services and Hymns | 1975 |
5 | | Spry hbryt hhdsh | 1968 |
6 | Achtemeier, Elizabeth Rice | Preaching from the Old Testament | 1989 |
7 | Alderson, Richard u.a. | Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones : 20th December 1899 to 1st March 1981 | 1981 |
8 | Allen, Ronald J. u.a. | Preaching the Old Testament : A Lectionary Commentary | 2007 |
9 | Augustinus, Aurelius | Augustine: Earlier Writings | 1953 |
10 | Balch, David L. u.a. | Families in the New Testament World : households and house churches | 1997 |
11 | Bartlett, David L. u.a. | Westminster Bible Companion | |
12 | Barton, John | Understanding Old Testament Ethics : Approaches and Explorations | 2003 |
13 | Brawley, Robert L. | Character Ethics and the New Testament : Moral Dimensions of Scripture | 2007 |
14 | Bright, John | A History of Israel | 1959 |
15 | Bright, John | A History of Israel [2. Aufl.] | 1972 |
16 | Bromiley, Geoffrey William | Zwingli and Bullinger : Selected Translations with Introductions and Notes | 1953 |
17 | Brown, William P. | The Ten Commandments : The Reciprocity of Faithfulness | 2004 |
18 | Browning, Don Spencer u.a. | The Family, Religion, and Culture | |
19 | Brueggemann, Walter | Mandate to Difference : An Invitation to the Contemporary Church | 2007 |
20 | Brueggemann, Walter | Isaiah 1-39 | 1998 |
21 | Brueggemann, Walter | Isaiah 40-66 | 1998 |
22 | Brunner, Emil | The Christian Doctrine of God | 1980 |
23 | Brunner, Emil | The Christian Doctrine of Creation and Redemption | 1980 |
24 | Brunner, Emil | The Divine Imperative | 1937;? |
25 | Brunner, Emil | Man in Revolt : A Christian Anthropology | 1939;? |
26 | Calvin, John | A Compend of the Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin | 1976 |
27 | Caroll R. (Rodas), M. Daniel u.a. | Character Ethics and the Old Testament : Moral Dimensions of Scripture | 2007 |
28 | Childs, Brevard Springs | Isaiah : A Commentary | 2001 |
29 | Cox, Harvey | The Situation Ethics Debate | 1968 |
30 | Davidman, Joy | Smoke on the Mountain : An Interpretation of the Ten Commandments | 1954 |