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1 - 13 von 13
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Evangelical Christianity and the Environment1993
2An Evangelical Response to Confessing the One Faith1993
3The Unique Christ in Our Pluralistic World : WEF Manila Declaration1993
4Bockmühl, Klaus u.a.Outreach and Identity : Evangelical theological monographs
5Dainton, Martin B.Introduction To Programming1977
6Eber, JochenHope Does Not Disappoint : studies in eschatology ; essays from different contexts2001
7Lutz, LorryWomen As Risk-Takers for God1997
8Nicholls, Bruce JohnDefending and Confirming the Gospel : The Report of the 1975 Consultation of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Fellowship1975
9Noelliste, DieumemeToward a Theology of Theological Education1993
10Núñez C., Emilio Antonio u.a.Crisis and Hope in Latin America : An Evangelical Perspective (überarbeitete Ausgabe)1996
11Ro, Bong-RinSharing the Good News with the Poor : WEF-TC Consultation on the Evangelization of the Poor1993
12Wells, David FalconerGod the Evangelist : how the Holy Spirit works to bring men and women to faith1997
13Wells, David FalconerTurning to God : Biblical conversion in the modern world1997
1 - 13 von 13
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