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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Midway reprint
2Barton, George A.The Religions of the World [2. Aufl.]1920
3Bauer, WalterA Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature [4. Aufl.]1984
4Carroll, RaymondeCultural Misunderstandings : The French-American Experience [2. Aufl.]1990
5Chafe, WallaceDiscourse, Consciousness, and Time : The Flow and Displacement of Conscious Experience in Speaking and Writing1994
6Chafe, WallaceMeaning and the Structure of Language [2. Aufl.]1971
7Gerrish, Brian AlbertGrace and Reason : A Study in the Theology of Luther1979
8Goodman, Felicitas D.Speaking In Tongues : A Cross-Cultural Study of Glossolalia1974
9Gustafson, James M.Ethics and Theology1984
10Gustafson, James M.Ethics from a Theocentric Perspective1981-1984
11Hayek, Friedrich A.The Road to Serfdom1972
12Jones, Charles WilliamsSaint Nicholas of Myra, Bari, and Manhattan : biography of a legend1978
13Paton, Lewis BaylesJerusalem in Bible Times1908
14Polanyi, MichaelPersonal Knowledge : Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy [10. Aufl.]1986
15Smith J M PowisBible1931
16Turabian, Kate L.Student's Guide for Writing College Papers1976
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