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# Person  Titel Jahr
1European Studies From the World Alliance of Reformed Churches
2Die zwölf Schritte : aus dem Buche: Zwölf Schritte und zwölf Traditionen1953
4Evangelical Christianity and the Environment1993
5An Evangelical Response to Confessing the One Faith1993
6The Unique Christ in Our Pluralistic World : WEF Manila Declaration1993
7China Spotlight Series
8Directory of Theological Schools Related to WARC Member Churches1996
9The Thailand Report on Buddhists : report of the consultation on world evangelization, mini-consultation on reaching Buddhists1980
10The Thailand Report on People of African Traditional Religions : report of the consultation on world evangelization, mini-consultation on re...1980
11From Canberra to Harare : an illustrated account of the life of the World Council of Churches 1991-19981998
12Anonyme Alkoholiker : ein Bericht über die Genesung alkoholkranker Männer und Frauen1974
13Faith and Order Paper
14LWF Documentation
15Resource material for churches and communities : A multi-lingual collection of publications on HIV/ AIDS [CD-ROM]2004
16The Mission of an Evangelist2001
17Bible Studies from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches1999-
18Dokumente und Berichte für die Vierte Vollversammlung des Lutherischen Weltbundes
19Über die Rechtfertigung : 'Christus heute'1963
20LWF Studiesvor 2006-
21A TWR epic story about women : Project Hannah2006
22A TWR epic story from Southern Europe : Church Development2006
23A TWR epic story from North Africa : Oral Societies2006
24A TWR epic story from the Middle East : Youth Programming2006
25Lausanne Occasional Papers
26Risk Book Series1978-
27Studies From the World Alliance of Reformed Churches
28Eine Menschheit, ein Evangelium, ein Auftrag : Weltkongress für Evangelisation, Berlin 1966 ; offizielle Nachschlagebände: Referate und Beri...1967
29Towards a Common Understanding of the Church : Reformed/Roman Catholic international dialogue: Second phase, 1984-19901991
30Handbook, Guide, Handbuch : Fourth Assembly, Quatrième Assemblée, Vierte Vollversammlung ; Uppsala 19651968
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