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1 - 11 von 11
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Charlesworth, Maria LouisaMinistering Children II1872
2Charlesworth, Maria LouisaMinistering Children I1872
3Jowett, WilliamChristian Researches in the Mediterranean, from MDCCCXV. to MDCCCXX in Furtherance of the Objects of the Church Missionary Society ; with ap...1822
4Moule, H. C. G.Thoughts on Christian Sanctity1885
5Quiller-Couch, ArthurThe Pilgrim's Way : a little scrip of good counsel for travellers1913
6Scott, ThomasThe Holy Bible : The Old and New Testaments ; according to the authorized version; with explanatory notes, practical observations, and copio...1850
7Scott, ThomasThe Holy Bible : The Old and New Testaments ; according to the authorized version; with explanatory notes, practical observations, and copio...1850
8Scott, ThomasThe Holy Bible : The Old and New Testaments ; according to the authorized version; with explanatory notes, practical observations, and copio...1850
9Scott, ThomasThe Holy Bible : The Old and New Testaments ; according to the authorized version; with explanatory notes, practical observations, and copio...1850
10Scott, ThomasThe Holy Bible : The Old and New Testaments ; according to the authorized version; with explanatory notes, practical observations, and copio...1850
11Scott, ThomasThe Holy Bible : The Old and New Testaments ; according to the authorized version; with explanatory notes, practical observations, and copio...1850
1 - 11 von 11
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