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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Blackstone, William EugeneJesus Is Coming
2Collett, SidneyThe Scripture of Truth : its origin, its language, its translations, its canon, its symbols, its inspiration, its alleged errors and contrad...1913
3Henry, MatthewAn Exposition on the Old and New Testaments 1 :1847
4Henry, MatthewAn Exposition on the Old and New Testaments 2 :1847
5Henry, MatthewAn Exposition on the Old and New Testaments 3 :1847
6Hislop, AlexanderThe Two Babylons : or, The Papal Worship Proved to Be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife1969
7Kohlbrügge, Hermann FriedrichSermons on the First Epistle of Peter, Chapters II. ad III. [2. Aufl.]1856
8Menzies, Stephen (Mrs.)How to Mark Your Bible1891 ?
9Williamson, DavidIra D. Sankey : the story of his life190.
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