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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Alexander, Helen Cadbury u.a.Charles M. Alexander : a romance of song and soul-winning1921 ?
2Booth-Tucker, FrederickMuktifauj or forty years with rhe Salvation Army in india and Ceylon0
3Brook, FrancesMy Home Is God : and other poems191.
4Finn, A. H.The Unity of the Pentateuch : an examination of the higher critical theory as to the composite nature of the Pentateuch1928
5Harford, Charles ForbesThe Keswick Convention : its message, its method and its men1907
6Hunt, J. JohnWhat Subject Shall I Take? : Bible Studies for pulpit and class [2. Aufl.]1892
7Marston, Annie WestlandWith the King : pages from the life of Mrs. Cecil Polhill (China Inland Mission)1905
8Waller, Charles H.Amos / by Charles H. Waller1905
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