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1 - 30 von 58
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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Accad, Martin u.a.Global Theology in Evangelical Perspective : Exploring the Contextual Nature of Theology and Mission2012
2Bartholomew, Craig G. u.a.Old Testament Wisdom Literature : A Theological Introduction2011
3Begbie, Jeremy S. u.a.Jesus, Paul and the People of God : A Theological Dialogue with N.T. Wright2011
4Beynon, GrahamGod's New Community : New Testament patterns for today's church2010
5Blackburn, W. RossThe God who makes himself known: The missionary heart of the book of Exodus2012
6Boice, James MontgomeryGod the Redeemer1978
7Boice, James MontgomeryThe Sovereign God1978
8Boice, James MontgomeryFoundations of the Christian Faith1978
9Bolich, Gregory C.Karl Barth & Evangelicalism1980
10Brown, AnnApology to Women : Christian images of the female sex1991
11Brown, RaymondThe Message of Nehemiah : God's servant in a time of change [8. Aufl.]2007
12Carson, Donald A.New Testament Commentary Survey [6. Aufl.]2007
13Carson, Donald A.A Call to Spiritual Reformation : Priorities from Paul and His Prayers [11. Aufl.]2004
14Chan, SimonLiturgical Theology : The Church as Worshiping Community2006
15Cooper, Derek u.a.Reformation Commentary on Scripture (RCS) : Old Testament
16Cooper, Derek u.a.1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles / ed. by Derek Cooper2016
17Craig, William Lane u.a.Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview : [2. Edition]2017
18Dempster, StephenDominion and Dynasty : A theology of the Hebrew Bible2003
19Flemming, DeanContextualization in the New Testament : Patterns for Theology and Mission2005
20Griffiths, BrianThe Creation of Wealth : A Christian's Case for Capitalism1984
21Hian, Chua WeeThe Making of a Leader : A Guidebook for Present and Future Leaders1987
22Holmes, Arthur FrankAll Truth is God's Truth1979
23Johnson, Phillip E.The Right Questions : Truth, Meaning and Public Debate2002
24Kaiser, Walter C. (jun.)Hard Sayings of the Old Testament1988
25Kirk, Andrew J.Theology & the Third World Church1983
26Knechtle, CliffeGive me an answer that satisfies my heart and my mind : answers to your toughest questions about Christianity [4. Aufl.]1987
27Köstenberger, Andreas J. u.a.Salvation to the Ends of the Earth : A biblical theology of mission2001
28LePeau, Andrew T. u.a.Just Living by Faith : A Study Guide to Habakkuk in the 20th Century1979
29Martin, Oren R.Bound for the Promised Land : The land promise in God's redemptive plan2015
30Morris, LeonTyndale New Testament Commentaries
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