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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Bush, L. Russ u.a.The New American Commentary : An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture1993-
2Gaddy, C. WeltonA Love Affair with God : Finding Freedom and Intimacy in Prayer1995
3Grudem, Wayne A.The Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy2004
4Lamsa, George MamishishoOld Testament Light : a scriptural commentary based on the Aramaic of the ancient Peshitta text1978
5Lamsa, George MamishishoIdioms in the Bible Explained : a key to the Holy Scriptures1978
6Mathews, Kenneth A.Genesis 11:27-50:26 / Kenneth A. Mathews2005
7Troutt, MargaretGeneral was a Lady (The)1980
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